Co·lin Sturm /ˈkɒˌlɨn 'ʃtʊʁm/
competed in a regatta from Galveston to Port Aransas.

About Colin

  • 1997 - 2002

    Bachelor of Science at the University of Oklahoma

    Learning all about chemical engineering and biomedical engineering.

  • 2002 - 2007

    Doctorate at the University of Florida

    I didn't get enough engineering so I continued studying chemical engineering, nano-structures, biofilaments, and force generation.

  • 2007

    Process Simulations at WinSim in Houston, TX

    I moved to Houston and worked on process simulations. Fortran programming, engineering analysis, three-phase flow of chemical processes.

  • 2010

    VFR Private Pilot

    A few years of casual study and I finally finished my pilot license. Look out skies, Colin is coming for you.

  • 2010

    Fluid Flow Simulations at P&G in Brussels, Belgium

    Living in an amazing city and working at a great company.

  • 2014

    Production Engineer at Apache Corporation in Houston, TX

    Optimizing oil field completion data and saving my company millions.

  • 2014


    My fortune continues as I marry the most amazing, incredible, funny, smart, perfect complement to me... Morgan!

  • 2015

    Professional Engineer

    Professional engineering exam completed and passed. A few more letters for my name.

  • 2016

    First House

    We bought a house!

  • Caden



    My first born arrived and he is amazing.

  • 2020

    Professional Services, Amazon

    OSDU and machine learning in the oil and gas industry.

  • Jordan



    My second son arrived and he is amazing.

  • 2022

    Second House

    We moved to Denver.

  • To Be

Contact Colin

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Another flaw in the human character is that everyone wants to build and nobody wants to do maintenance.

Kurt Vonnegut